Valentines day flowers
It is soon time for the most lovable day of the year – Valentine’s Day. This is the day we show our love to our loved ones. It does not need to be a girlfriend or boyfriend it can also be a dear friend or a family member for example. Flowers is a great way of showing your love.
There are many different flowers to choose between. There is no right or wrong here but here are some suggestions for some flowers we know will be appreciated by your loved one.
The classic Valentine´s day flowers
What says more “I love you” than red roses. Many ask themselves how many roses they should give and it is still believed that 1, 3 or 7 roses are the right number for someone you love. However, the sky is the limit. Red roses are as beautiful single as together like this amazing bouquet of mixed of flowers in white.
In ancient Greece, the young and in love could not always communicate directly with each other. They, therefore, used flowers as a way of communication. This was the start of a flower language and it was very important to choose the right amount of flowers in the right color not to say something wrong.
These days this language is no longer a custom but the red rose as a flower of love is still well known.
Just for some extra knowledge here are what the number of flowers meant in ancient Greece;
1 flower – You are my everything.
2 flowers – Let´s go away together.
3 flowers – When can I see you again?
4 flowers – I admire you and am so grateful for having you.
5 flowers – I will do anything for you.
6 flowers – I doubt your word.
7 flowers – I love you.
8 flowers – I will remain faithful to you till death.
9 flowers – I want to be alone with you.
10 flowers – Will you marry me?
The modern valentines bouquet
It does not have to be red roses to show your love to your loved ones. Look at this amazing bouquet of mixed of flowers in white.
Since the demand for red roses is so high on Valentine’s Day more types of flowers have become popular; like for example tulips or barbeton daisy. It is also not only bounded to red but could also be white or pink for example or any other color you like.
One extra benefit of choosing another flower than red roses is the cost. Depending on what you choose you can get a bigger bouquet with other flowers or a mix of roses and other flowers for the same price.
A valentines bouquet with a gift
To give the little extra you can also give a gift with your flowers. There are many options to add for example a teddy bear, chocolate or a bottle of champagne.
One very popular bouquet with gifts is this “Be my Valentine gift set”
Besides all the ready suggestions of flowers with gifts, you can always choose from a range of extra gifts in the checkout.
Why do we celebrate valentines day?
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate Saint Valentine. It started in the 5th century in the Catholic church. However, the story does not tell exactly who this saint was and why he became a saint of love.
It was not until the 14th century that Saint Valentine was connected to love in England and France. After this, the tradition of writing love letters came.
There are many stories of romantic content that are told about who this Saint Valentine was. One of these is that he had the habit of picking flowers from gardens to give to lovers. This is said to be the start of giving flowers on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day still has various regional customs in England. For example in Norfolk, a character called Jack Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses and leaving sweets and presents for children. Even though he is leaving gifts many children were scared of this mystical person.
Today Valentine’s Day is a day that we show our love to the people we love, our partner, close friends or family or maybe even a secret crush. Flowers are a popular gift but also teddy bears, chocolate and other gifts are common to give on this day.
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